Tutoring FAQs

  • An enormous difference. I have had students this year raise their SAT scores by more than 250 points in just the two English sections together. A good tutor, using up-to-date methods and individual evaluation, can help you meet your goals.

  • You can take the PSAT for the SAT and the PreACT for the ACT at the beginning of your junior year and get an idea by yourself that way. You can also take free practice tests online.

    Most people, however, prefer an expert opinion. Your tutor should, after working with you a couple of times, be able to help you answer that question. Her recommendation will depend on your particular skills, experiences, and goals.

  • Prep courses don’t work for most students. The average score increase is 30 points. Good private professional tutors do much better. My students’ average score improvement over the last 5 years on the SAT is more than 100 points for the reading section and over 100 points for the writing section.

  • It isn’t. In a typical academic class or typical test prep course, the work is aimed at the middle. A good, professional tutor develops an individual program for you. She targets your particular needs and skills and develops materials and methods suited to your learning style; so you won’t waste your time and money learning material you don’t need and missing skills you do need. In short, with a good, professional private tutor, you can achieve more in a shorter time.

  • Tutors’ rates vary enormously by the geographical area and by the tutor’s experience. Tutors in Westchester County, NY, and Fairfield County, CT, fall into two main categories: beginning tutors and professional tutors.

    Beginning tutors charge up to $100/hr. These tutors might be just beginning their careers or they might have recently retired from other professions. These types of tutors make up the bulk of tutors at tutoring services. There are, of course, tutors who charge way less than $100. Your neighbor’s teenage son who’s good at math, for example, might charge $20/hr.

    Professional tutors charge between $100 to $250/hr. They are experienced in tutoring. Many of them have high-level college degrees and state teaching certifications. Often the people at the top of this range have publications. They also have demonstrable success. There are a few tutors who charge more than $250. Generally they are professional tutors with public name recognition.

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